Scituate, a pleasant seaside town, is located in the middle between Boston and Plymouth. Plenty to do in Scituate and all along the Massachusetts coast, including South Shore/Cape Cod. Swim from our water-front house, walk ¼ mile up to the historic Scituate Lighthouse and swim there or at another one of Scituate’s five beaches- just around the corner from there, where you can see Minot Lighthouse in the distance. Walk to a local convenience store or walk/drive the 1.5 miles into town, where you will find many restaurants, a grocery store, CVS, hardware store, movie theatre, three ice cream parlors and many other shops. Also see the local fishing boats around the working town pier and the sailboats and yachts anchored in in the harbor or the many marinas. Visit the Maritime and Mossing Museum, take a charter fishing boat tour, tee off at one of the towns three golf courses. Whale Watch from many places, like Plymouth, Boston, Chatham, Gloucester. For more information on the town, its history and special events, like Scituate Heritage Days, go to: http://www.scituatema.gov/